110 Years of ABI: Expansion and Diversification

Wednesday October 3, 2018

With its headquarters in Trenton, New Jersey, American Biltrite Inc. became part of the early 1900’s manufacturing revolution that prompted the slogan “Trenton Makes, the World Takes.” As the rubber heel and sole business continued to thrive, we acquired new manufacturing plants and established a division in Sherbrooke, Canada. With our new acquisitions, we expanded our product offerings to include rubber and vinyl flooring.

From 1929 to 1941, the US suffered through the Great Depression – the longest, deepest, and most widespread depression of the 20th century. As World War II began, ABI devoted all of its plants to manufacturing heels, soles and raincoats to aid the military through the end of the war in 1945. Through it all, ABI persevered.

In the 50’s, ABI would experience extraordinary growth, as the rebirth of the nation’s economy revitalized manufacturing companies across the country. By the end of the decade, ABI was operating a total of 14 plants and made an acquisition that would greatly expand our product offerings and manufacturing capabilities; we gained Boston Woven Hose, officially entering ABI into the tape business.

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