What’s in a Name? The ABI Tape Visual Identity

Wednesday July 27, 2016

You may have noticed that we look a bit different…

American Biltrite Inc. Tape Products Division is proud to announce the launch of our new visual identity.

As enthusiastic as we are about the tape products we manufacture, our name never properly proclaimed the devotion we have to our industry. American Biltrite Inc. Tape Products Division is quite a mouthful, and we found that employees and customers alike often refer to us ABI – which is how we arrived at ABI Tape. Short, sweet and to the point.

As our business continues to grow, we wanted to develop our visual identity along with it.

Through simplification, carefully chosen typography, and more vibrant colors, ABI Tape’s core values and the family of products we manufacture become unified. We hope that providing a cohesive look to our company and our family of products will eliminate confusion and help celebrate the industry we are so proud to be a part of.

Rest assured, we are still the same organization of dedicated individuals with a passion for all things tape that started in 1908. We deeply value the relationships we have with our customers and we thank you for your continued support.

– Your Friends at ABI Tape

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